If you're hosting a party for your little ghosts and witches, then these ‘ghoulish’ Halloween games for kids (or adults) are a must. Check out our ideas that will help you entertain your Halloween guests!

Personalised treat bag:
Get the children excited about trick or treating while they decorate their own loot bag.

Catch the worm:
Attach some jelly worm sweets to a piece of string and line up the children with their hands behind their back. The one who eats the worm first, without using their hands, is the winner! Repeat, repeat, repeate, as the kids won't get bored of this game!

Balloon characters:
Make your own Halloween characters and take them trick or treating with you!

Pass the pumpkin:
A fun way to give pass-the-parcel a Halloween twist. Under each layer or paper you will find a joke or a Halloween treat.

Pop the pumpkin:
Write 'trick' or 'treat' on a piece of paper, roll it up and slip one inside each balloon before you blow them up. Blow up all the balloons and then draw pumpkin faces on each of them. The players take it in turns to pop a balloon with a pin and see whether they've won a trick or treat.
Have fun this Halloween,